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total current draw


Craig's Other Sling 4
Electrical Load Planning and VP-X Config

Aircraft Overview - Devices

The following devices represent your aircraft, and will be used to generate your personalized electrical diagram, VP-X pinout and electrical build buying guide.
Garmin G3X Touch GDU 460/465
pin nameactual current drawcircuit breaker valuemin wire size VP-X pinbackup?current fault detect?switchbank preference
Garmin GDU 460 2.0A 5.0A20g J12-3 Method C No Avionics Master Bank A
notes: Left Monitor
Garmin GSA 28
GSA 28 - Pitch 2.8A 5.0A20g J8-4 none Yes Avionics Master Bank A
notes: Autopilot Servo
Garmin Misc.
Garmin Misc. 1.2A 5.0A20g J8-6 Method C Yes Avionics Master Bank B
notes: GEA 24 (EIS) .4A , GSU 25 (ADAHRS) .2A , GMC 307 AP (Ctl Pnl) .1A , GAD 29 (Data Con) .1A , GI 260 (AOA) .4A
Garmin GDL 39R
Garmin GDL 39R 0.5A 5.0A20g J8-1 none Yes Avionics Master Bank A
notes: ADS-B Receiver. Current is TBD
Garmin GTR 20 Remote comm
GTR 20 Remote 7.5A 8.0A18g J12-1 Method C Yes Avionics Master Bank A
Garmin GTX 23 ES Xponder
GTX 23 ES 3.1A 4.0A20g J8-3 none Yes Avionics Master Bank A
Audio Panel
Audio Panel 3.5A 5.0A20g J12-7 none No Avionics Master Bank A
GRT Mini 0.3A 5.0A20g J8-7 none No Avionics Master Bank B
Garmin GTN 650 (14v)
650 Nav 2.2A 8.0A18g J10-5 none No Avionics Master Bank A or B
650 Comm 0.5A 10.0A18g J8-2 none No Avionics Master Bank A or B
Garmin GSA 28
GSA 28 - Roll 2.8A 5.0A20g J8-5 none Yes Avionics Master Bank A
notes: Autopilot Servo

Landing light (100W)
pin nameactual current drawcircuit breaker valuemin wire size VP-X pinbackup?current fault detect?switchbank preference
Left Landing lgt 3.8A 5.0A18g J12-8 none Yes Land Lt Bank A
notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX
Taxi light
Right Taxi lgt 3.8A 5.0A18g J10-7 none Yes Taxi Lt Bank B
notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX
Nav lights (LED)
Nav lights 1.4A 5.0A18g J10-10 none Yes Nav Lt Bank B
notes: (2) Aveo Ultra Aurora + (1) Aveo PosiStrobe XP
Strobes 9.2A 10.0A18g J10-3 none Yes Strobe Lt Bank B
notes: (2) Aveo Ultra Aurora (wings) + (1) Aveo PosiStrobe XP (tail)
Taxi light
Left Taxi lgt 3.8A 5.0A18g J12-12 none Yes Taxi Lt Bank A
notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX
Landing light (100W)
Rt Landing lgt 3.8A 5.0A18g J10-6 none Yes Land Lt Bank B
notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX
Eyeball lights (LED)
Eyeball lights 0.2A 1.0A20g J1-2 none No Cabin Lt Bank A or B

Pitot heat 2
pin nameactual current drawcircuit breaker valuemin wire size VP-X pinbackup?current fault detect?switchbank preference
Pitot heat 2 12.0A 15.0A14g J12-2 none Yes Pitot Heat Bank A
notes: Garmin GAP-26 Heated Pitot
Boost pump
Boost pump 1.5A 5.0A20g J10-8 none Yes Boost Pump Bank B

Electrical System
B&C Pri Alt
pin nameactual current drawcircuit breaker valuemin wire size VP-X pinbackup?current fault detect?switchbank preference
Alternator Field 2.5A 5.0A20g J12-11 none No Alternator Bank A
Alternator Vsense 0.1A 2.0A20g J1-1 none No always on Bank A
SD-20 BU Alt
Alt - BU - Field 2.5A 5.0A20g J10-2 none No BU Alternator Bank B
Alt - BU - Vsense 0.1A 2.0A20g J10-4 none No always off Bank B

VP-X Pinout and Configuration

Currently configuring VP-X Pro, 14 volt.

All device pins assigned!


 pin bank VP-X pin name power pin namecurrent draw wire sizecircuit breakerswitch current fault detect  
  1 A 5A-1 output Garmin GDL 39R 0.5 20 5.0 Avionics Master Yes
power pin notes: ADS-B Receiver. Current is TBD
  2 A 10A-1 output 650 Comm 0.5 18 10.0 Avionics Master No
  3 A 5A-2 output GTX 23 ES 3.1 20 4.0 Avionics Master Yes
  4 A 5A-3 output GSA 28 - Pitch 2.8 20 5.0 Avionics Master Yes
power pin notes: Autopilot Servo
  5 A 5A-4 output GSA 28 - Roll 2.8 20 5.0 Avionics Master Yes
power pin notes: Autopilot Servo
  6 B 5A-5 output Garmin Misc. 1.2 20 5.0 Avionics Master Yes
power pin notes: GEA 24 (EIS) .4A , GSU 25 (ADAHRS) .2A , GMC 307 AP (Ctl Pnl) .1A , GAD 29 (Data Con) .1A , GI 260 (AOA) .4A
  7 B 5A-6 output GRT Mini 0.3 20 5.0 Avionics Master No
  8 B 5A-7 output not assigned


 pin bank VP-X pin name power pin namecurrent draw wire sizecircuit breakerswitch current fault detect  
  1 A|B Starter Switch
  2 B 5A-8 output Alt - BU - Field 2.5 20 5.0 BU Alternator No
  3 B 10A-2 output Strobes 9.2 18 10.0 Strobe Lt Yes
power pin notes: (2) Aveo Ultra Aurora (wings) + (1) Aveo PosiStrobe XP (tail)
  4 B 5A-9 output Alt - BU - Vsense 0.1 20 2.0 always off No
  5 B 10A-3 output 650 Nav 2.2 18 8.0 Avionics Master No
  6 B 15A-1 output Rt Landing lgt 3.8 18 5.0 Land Lt Yes
power pin notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX
  7 B 5A-10 output Right Taxi lgt 3.8 18 5.0 Taxi Lt Yes
power pin notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX
  8 B 5A-11 output Boost pump 1.5 20 5.0 Boost Pump Yes
  9 To GND block
  10 B 5A-12 output Nav lights 1.4 18 5.0 Nav Lt Yes
power pin notes: (2) Aveo Ultra Aurora + (1) Aveo PosiStrobe XP


 pin bank VP-X pin name power pin namecurrent draw wire sizecircuit breakerswitch current fault detect  
  1 A 10A-4 output GTR 20 Remote 7.5 18 8.0 Avionics Master Yes
  2 A 15A-2 output Pitot heat 2 12.0 14 15.0 Pitot Heat Yes
power pin notes: Garmin GAP-26 Heated Pitot
  3 A 10A-5 output Garmin GDU 460 2.0 20 5.0 Avionics Master No
power pin notes: Left Monitor
  4 To GND block
  5 B Flap motor enabled 5
  6 B Flap motor enabled
  7 A 10A-6 output Audio Panel 3.5 20 5.0 Avionics Master No
  8 A 5A-13 output Left Landing lgt 3.8 18 5.0 Land Lt Yes
power pin notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX
  9 A EFIS power output
ERROR! An EFIS must be assigned!
  10 A 3A-1 output not assigned
  11 A Alternator Field Alternator Field 2.5 20 5.0 Alternator
  12 A 15A-3 output Left Taxi lgt 3.8 18 5.0 Taxi Lt Yes
power pin notes: AeroLEDS Sunspot 36LX


 pin bank VP-X pin name power pin namecurrent draw wire sizecircuit breakerswitch current fault detect  
  1 A 2A-1 output Alternator Vsense 0.1 20 2.0 always on No
  2 A 2A-2 output Eyeball lights 0.2 20 1.0 Cabin Lt No
  3 Roll Trim: +2.5v disabled
  4 Roll Trim: gnd disabled
  5 Roll Trim: pos input disabled
  6 A Roll Trim: motor power disabled
  7 A Roll Trim: motor power disabled
  8 Pitch Trim: +2.5v enabled
  9 Pitch Trim: gnd enabled
  10 Pitch Trim: pos input enabled
  11 A/B Pitch Trim: motor pwr enabled
  12 A/B Pitch Trim: motor pwr enabled
  17 Flap pos input enabled
  18 Flap pos gnd enabled
  19 Flap pos +2.5v enabled
  20 Serial TX
  21 Serial GND
  22 Serial RX


 pin bank VP-X pin name power pin namecurrent draw wire sizecircuit breakerswitch current fault detect  
  1 External Switch Input 1 Alternator
  2 External Switch Input 2 BU Alternator
  3 External Switch Input 3 Avionics Master
  4 External Switch Input 4 Boost Pump
  5 External Switch Input 5 Land Lt
  6 External Switch Input 6 Taxi Lt
  7 External Switch Input 7 Nav Lt
  8 External Switch Input 8 Strobe Lt
  9 External Switch Input 9 Pitot Heat
  10 External Switch Input 10 Cabin Lt
  11 Starter annunciator input enabled
  12 Aux battery voltage input disabled
  14 Flap Up switch input enabled
  15 Flap Down switch input enabled
  16 Roll Left switch input disabled
  17 Roll Right switch input disabled
  18 Pitch Up switch Input enabled
  19 Pitch Dn switch Input enabled

The following device pins also have backup circuits (not show in above diagram):

pin namebackup methodcircuit breaker
GTR 20 Remote Method C 8.0A
Garmin GDU 460 Method C 5.0A
Garmin Misc. Method C 5.0A

Each column is explained below:
  • Pin: the actual pin number on the connector.
  • Bank: The VP-X Pro has two independent systems in one box. Each system is referred to as a "bank" of circuits. This column shows which bank that specific power pin is on. See Installation manual for details on determining which device goes on which bank.
  • VP-X Pin Name: Describes the function of that pin. 5A-1 for example is a 5 amp circuit and it is the first five amp circuit. 10A-3 is a 10 amp circuit and is the third 10 amp circuit.
  • Power pin name: You can give each pin a name that shows on the EFIS display.
  • Current draw: The actual current drawn by a device. It is recommended you measure the ACTUAL current draw of each device prior to installation in the aircraft using an ammeter (commonly available from a friend at no cost or from Radio Shack, Sears, and electronic supply stores for a reasonable one).
  • Wire size: the wire size you have specified to go between the VP-X and the device being powered.
  • Circuit Breaker: The maximum current allowed for that pin. You can enter any value between 1 and the limit of that pin in increments of 1A. This value is equivalent to a circuit breaker or fuse. If a load draws more than the Circuit Breaker value, that circuit will fault. If too large of a breaker value is used, then the wire may overheat or fail. If too small a value is used, then the device may fault the circuit because it draws too much current.
  • Switch: The number of the switch input (switch input 1 through 10) you have specified to control this pin. Or it can be set to 'always on' or 'always off'. Each switch input is labeled 1 through 10. You can assign multiple devices to a single switch, and conversely, a switch can control multiple devices. If you set the circuit to 'always on', it will be on anytime the VP-X is powered (i.e. the master switch is on). Multiple pins can be assignedto a single switch. You don't have to use all of the switch inputs.
  • Current Fault detect: The pin can be configured to detect a "current fault" or open circuit. When a circuit with this feature enabled is turned on and does not draw any current for 3 seconds, the circuit is faulted. You can use this to detect burned out lights, faulty boost pump, failed avionics fan, or inop heated pitot tube for example. The minimum detectable current is about 100ma, so this should be used on devices like lights, strobes and loads that draw at least 100ma of current.

VP-X Switches

The VP-X allows up to 10 switches, configured to operate any number of connected devices. The following names are suggestions, you can edit this list as required.

The trim and flap switches are wired to their own dedicated pins. The master switch is wired separately from the VP-X and directly to the master contactor. The Starter switch is wired in between the VP-X and the starter contactor. Do not include trim, flap, master, or starter switches in the items below. Please see the VP-X Installation Guide for details.

Your Switches
<-- Edit here
  • 1: Alternator
  • 2: BU Alternator
  • 3: Avionics Master
  • 4: Boost Pump
  • 5: Land Lt
  • 6: Taxi Lt
  • 7: Nav Lt
  • 8: Strobe Lt
  • 9: Pitot Heat
  • 10: Cabin Lt
Device pins can also be assigned to "always on" or "always off" as required.

VP-X System Settings

VP-X Pro. 32 circuits, 14v or 28v, aux battery monitoring, DualBuss™ technology.

System Voltage: 14

Both systems support primary and backup alternators, two-axis trim controller, and flap controller. More information is available in the VP-X Product Description


Primary Alternator
Externally regulated (B&C or similar)
Backup Alternator
Externally regulated (B&C SD-20)
Note: For 28v systems using SD-20, user must install a B&C LS-1A

More information on alternators and the options below is available in the VP-X Installation Guide

Ignition (left side)
Other EI
Ignition (right side)
Other EI

Are you installing electric flaps?
Flap circuit breaker: 5 amps
Are you installing electric roll trim?
Are you installing electric pitch trim?
Do you want to measure voltage on a second or aux battery? (VP-X Pro only, see installation guide for details)
Do you want to use the starter annunciator feature?


Electrical Diagram

Garmin GDL 39R (5.0A CB, 20awg)
650 Comm (10.0A CB, 18awg)
GTX 23 ES (4.0A CB, 20awg)
GSA 28 - Pitch (5.0A CB, 20awg)
GSA 28 - Roll (5.0A CB, 20awg)
Garmin Misc. (5.0A CB, 20awg)
GRT Mini (5.0A CB, 20awg)
not used
Starter Switch
Alt - BU - Field (5.0A CB, 20awg)
Strobes (10.0A CB, 18awg)
Alt - BU - Vsense (2.0A CB, 20awg)
650 Nav (8.0A CB, 18awg)
Rt Landing lgt (5.0A CB, 18awg)
Right Taxi lgt (5.0A CB, 18awg)
Boost pump (5.0A CB, 20awg)
To GND block
Nav lights (5.0A CB, 18awg)
GTR 20 Remote (8.0A CB, 18awg)
Pitot heat 2 (15.0A CB, 14awg)
Garmin GDU 460 (5.0A CB, 20awg)
To GND block
Flap motor
Flap motor
Audio Panel (5.0A CB, 20awg)
Left Landing lgt (5.0A CB, 18awg)
EFIS power output
not used
Alternator Field (5.0A CB, 20awg)
Left Taxi lgt (5.0A CB, 18awg)
Alternator Vsense (2.0A CB, 20awg)
Eyeball lights (1.0A CB, 20awg)
not used
not used
not used
not used
not used
Pitch Trim: +2.5v
Pitch Trim: gnd
Pitch Trim: pos input
Pitch Trim: motor pwr
Pitch Trim: motor pwr
Flap pos input
Flap pos gnd
Flap pos +2.5v
Serial TX
Serial GND
Serial RX
Starter annunciator input
not used
Flap Up switch input
Flap Down switch input
not used
not used
Pitch Up switch Input
Pitch Dn switch Input
Alternator (switch)
BU Alternator (switch)
Avionics Master (switch)
Boost Pump (switch)
Land Lt (switch)
Taxi Lt (switch)
Nav Lt (switch)
Strobe Lt (switch)
Pitot Heat (switch)
Cabin Lt (switch)
The following device pins also have backup circuits (not show in above diagram):

pin namebackup methodcircuit breaker
GTR 20 Remote Method C 8.0A
Garmin GDU 460 Method C 5.0A
Garmin Misc. Method C 5.0A

Buying Guide

Some suggestion to help you source your electrical system.

Vertical Power

VP-X Pro
VP-X Pro Wiring Harness

EFIS Manufacturers

Avionics Dealers and Panel Builders

Electrical Supplies


Builder Education Resources

Wiring Checklist

Review the following list to be sure you've included everything in your electrical system planning:

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